Use "oust|ousted|ousting|ousts" in a sentence

1. In 1939 the TLC succumbed to AFL pressure and ousted CIO unions from its ranks.

En 1939, le CMTC succombe aux pressions de l'AFL et expulse les syndicats du CIO de ses rangs.

2. Drabinsky allied Cineplex with American communications giant MCA, but by 1989 he was ousted from the company.

Drabinsky fusionne Cineplex avec le géant américain des communications MCA, mais on obtient son départ dès 1989.

3. Obviously, the momentum of the People Power Revolution that ousted Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 culminated in the passage of some landmark legislation, one example of which is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law.

Mais ceux-ci continuent de dominer le Congrès philippin et font obstacle à l’application de la loi-cadre à leurs terres.